Frenzal Rhomb + Sketch Method // The Baso // 11.10.24

Traveling from Wollongong to Canberra on a Friday afternoon, this reviewer may have grossly underestimated the time and traffic heading south for the weekend. Also heading to Canberra from Wollongong on Friday evening were power-punk trio Private Wives, who definitely left earlier than I did, as I only managed to catch the dying minutes of their opening set.

Having seen them put on a riot of a set many times before around the Gong, and judging by the already packed Basement, they killed it again tonight. My apologies for missing your set.

With Canberra really only producing heavy metal bands, tonight’s second support (who also traveled down from the Illawarra) Sketch Method took to the stage like flies on shit. Bombastic bursts of pop-punk, ska-punk and a little rock ‘n roll to boot, all rolled up into one fun little package.
“Hello Canberra, welcome to Jackass” as the trio rip into the Jackass theme to open. Asparagus, Pissing Vinegar, Panic! At the Costco, a song about Donald Trump being a loser and, of course, everyone’s favourite ditty about giving Nazi’s what-for, The Ballad of Egg Boy.

Cashing in on the full album tours, Australia’s darlings of punk rock, Frenzal Rhomb bound onto the stage with all the vigor of three decades of playing to yobbos like myself. We’re Going Out Tonight is the perfect opener, sure, the crowd is a bit older these days, but damn does the pit get moving from the get go. Go Frenzal Go with its iconic race call intro jumps outta the gate with speed, It’s Up To You, Mr Charisma and Russell Crowe’s Band take the next three spots.

With Jay spending plenty of time on the barrier, mic outstretched for crowd vocals, crowd surfers making their way over the barrier, many realising too late that there is no security to catch them. Guitar tech Dave makes it his job to catch as many as he can during the 70 minute set.

Newest addition to the band, bassist Dal Dallinger, (he’s been there since 2019!) trades riffs with Lindsay ‘the Doctor’ McDougall on Let’s Drink a Beer, Do You Wanna Fight Me and I Don’t Need Your Loving.

Australia’s answer to Napalm Death’s ‘You Suffer’, I Know Why Dinosaurs Became Extinct… ended with the packed room really emphasizing the word “Cocks!”.

Making light of the whole album tour shtick, “we normally play all the good songs off this record on a regular tour, you guys are just paying to see the shit songs tonight”. With such a storied career, there is little room for shit songs in the 25 song set list, with the most Aussie song ever written, Bird Attack being screamed by all in attendance.

Whipping out the double guitar for Methadone and You Are Not My Friend, it’s rumoured with the extra twelve strings they can play the elusive 4th punk chord. Crowd surfers continue over the barrier, despite the hard landing suffered, Punch In The Face is a rowdy affair. I’m sure many a punter has copped a shiner in a Frenzal pit over the years to that song.

Closing with the mellow Summer’s Here and the opening track on A Man’s Not A Camel; Never Had So Much Fun. Here’s hoping there is no 25th anniversary of Shut Your Mouth.

Photos + review: Brendan Delavere