GTM’s National Community Program is here

If Groovin the Moo (GTM) had to identify as an item in a homewares store, it would undoubtedly be a handmade patchwork quilt. One made up from facets of each of the communities and regions that it visits each year. A physical representation of said quilt is GTM’s Community Program, which continues to grow organically year on year.
We’re incredibly excited to be bringing a bunch of our most beloved community initiatives to all six regions in 2018. These range from work experience for budding festival lovers, to opportunities for local artists to showcase their wares, from chill out spaces to programs for disadvantaged youth.
Here’s an overview of our Community Program for 2018;

The Maker Station
The Maker Station is a free service where GTM ticket holders can get involved with some craft under the guidance of local artists and DIY experts at each show. The Station will be situated near the Universal Store Phone Charging Tent and each region will provide unique fun offerings from repurposed milk bottle water holders to DIY magazines to body painting and heaps more!
The legends at HEAPS GAY started a few years ago as a series of parties for LGBTIQ+ kids and their friends and has since become a regular party starter in the Sydney scene for anyone who wants to have fun and support good causes. Last year, our gr8 m8s created the super fun safe space The HEAPS GAY Milk Bar at GTM Canberra. This year, not only will the Milk Bar return to Canberra, it will also be spreading its glitter, good vibes, classic tunes and country drag to Maitland and Bunbury too.

Crafternoon Community Workshops
Tying in with our DIY-craft theme this year, we’ve been working with local community groups around the country who are in the process of creating handmade masterpieces that will come to life at our events. The brilliantly named Sgt. Peppers Homely Arts Club have been busy knitting together squares that will cover the fence lines at our Wayville show. Townsville’s Umbrella Arts Studio are building giant teepees to create some shady respite from the sun and there’s much more being created around the country at this very moment.
Powder Pen
Returning nationally in 2018 GTM’s Powder Pen will keep you looking festival fresh around the country! For a small donation, you can get a quick hair and make-up “zjoosh” thanks to local beauty, barbershop and hairdressing salons. A portion of proceeds from the Powder Pen will go back to the charity of the salons’ choice.

Shoot the Moo and Film the Moo!
GTM works with Warner Music Australia to give local, budding content creators the opportunity to shoot a Warner Music artist from the pit at Groovin the Moo. This year, we’re thrilled to have international band Portugal. The Man on board.
Shoot the Moo (STM) is now in its 5th year and we’re pleased to introduce a brand-new initiative for 2018, Film the Moo (FTM). Judges will select one STM and one FTM winner from each region who will receive;

  • Two x Udder Mayhem tickets for them and a friend to their local show
  • A tour of the GTM site
  • A meet and greet with the band, Portugal. The Man
  • A GTM merch pack

 The STM winner will get;

  • One photo pass, with access to the photo pit for Portugal. The Man for the first 3 songs
  • One-on-one time with Portugal. The Man’s photographer Maclay Heriot to receive some tips

The FTM winner will get;

  • One video pass, with access to the photo pit for Portugal. The Man for the first 3 songs
  • One-on-one time with GTM’s touring videographer, Pat Rohl to receive some tips
  • The winners from each region will have their footage used in a video edit for Portugal. The Man, edited by GTM’s touring videographer.

Ticket Exchange Program
GTM will be working with over 10 organisations across the country to engage local youth from families who are experiencing hardship, are at risk or are homeless. Invitations will be sent out to these local support groups, encouraging local youth to head along to GTM to experience a fun day of music festivities with their peers.
Work Experience 
From humble beginnings at our first GTM (Gloucester NSW in 2005), where students from the local TAFE campuses were invited to gain insight and lend a hand with all things Moo, we now involve 18 education facilities around the country. These include high schools, tertiary institutions and community groups from each region and those who sign up can gain experience in a range of areas including Artist Liaison, Event, Production, Publicity and festival bump in and bump out.